
What’s Next After 12 Days:
Following Up With Your ONE

12 Days to Christmas may be over as a programme but your journey with the ONE the Lord has placed on your heart continues!

It may be a journey of friendship, a journey of helping him/her discover more about God, a journey of leading him/her to grow deeper in Christ. Here are some suggestions on what you can do.


  • Continue to build a relationship with them by engaging them in relational activities in January, e.g. CNY Visitation
  • Try to understand what hinders them to accepting the Gospel, if they have expressed they are not open to Christianity
  • Invite them to join a SG or the activities that the SG organises
  • Invite them for church events: Sunday Services, seminars, workshops, church camp


  • Continue to build a relationship with them by engaging them in relational activities in January, CNY Visitation
  • Invite them for Alpha, One on one: Christianity Explained, Come To Me
  • Invite them to join a Small Group or the activities that the SG organises
  • Invite them for church events: Sunday Services, seminars, workshops, church camp


  • Call or message them within 2 days of them receiving Christ and congratulate them for their decision
  • Affirm their decision by explaining how significant it is when they decide to follow Christ
  • Ask if they have any question or concerns about their decision to follow Christ
  • Encourage them to be nurtured
  • Assign one Small Group member to journey with them by using Christian Growth in 5 Steps
  • Invite them to join the SG and help them develop a sense of belonging in the SG
  • Help them cultivate the practice of joining our Sunday worship service as a lifestyle. The designated nurturer can accompany them to join the physical in-person Sunday worship (if available) or the service online by inviting them to the nurturer’s house to worship together, or the nurturer can check with the new believer how the Sunday’s service has been for him/her
  • Make the effort to periodically call/text/message to show care as that is very key to encouraging a new believer to continue in his/her Christian faith


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