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Alpha – Got Questions About Life?

Thursday - Saturday, 20 April - 10 June 2023


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Got Questions About Life?

Have you ever asked questions about your life and felt that you haven’t received answers? For example, what is the purpose of your life? We can get information from the internet, but this may still not provide answers. The best way to find out is still to have a conversation with someone who may have experienced it before to guide you in your journey of searching. If you are looking for the answer to your life or wish to explore the basics of the Christian faith, then the Alpha course is just for you! Try Alpha – come and see.

What is the Alpha course?
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. It is for anyone curious about the Christian faith. The course is designed to encourage conversation and explore the meaning of life in a friendly, open, and informal environment. No question is out of bounds and one is free to discuss as much or as little as one wishes.

What does an Alpha session look like?


a) Connect – Friendship and fun are the essentials of the Alpha course. Every Alpha session starts with a time to connect, relax and build friendships. Every week volunteers engage with the guests over food and games to create a welcoming space to share life on a deeper level. 




b) Content- Friendship and fun are the essentials of the Alpha course. Every Alpha session starts with a time to connect, relax and build friendships. Every week volunteers engage with the guests over food and games to create a welcoming space to share life on a deeper level. 



c) Conversation – A very important part of Alpha: the guests will have a chance to share their questions related to the session, hear from others, and discuss them in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing they cannot say. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute our perspectives in an honest, friendly, and open environment. 



When and where will the Alpha course commence this year? 

Alpha commences on 20April 2023 (weekly on Thursday evenings) for 7 weeks from 7:00pm to 9:30pm and ends on 10 June 2023 (Alpha Weekend Away) as below. 


Weekly session on Thursdays: Wesley Hall (Level Attic), Faith Methodist Church

Weekend Away: Friday & Saturday (2 days & 1-night program) at Pulai Spring Resort, Johor.

The Alpha weekend away carries the most crucial sessions of Alpha as such we want to encourage continued participation. Additionally, we are pleased to announce that participants will be heavily subsidized for the weekend program. More details will be shared during the Alpha sessions. 

The schedule of the sessions is shown below:

20 April 2023 (Thurs) – Alpha Introduction Night: Is there more to life than this?
27 April 2023 (Thurs) – Session 2: Who is Jesus? 
4 May 2023 (Thurs) – Session 3: Why did Jesus die? 
11 May 2023 (Thurs) – Session 4: How can we have faith? 
18 May 2023 (Thurs) – Session 5: Why and how do I pray? 
25 May 2023 (Thurs) – Session 6: Why and how should I read the Bible? 
1 June 2023 (Thurs) – Session 7: How does God guide us? 
9 June 2023 (Fri) – Alpha Weekend Away (Day 1) 
10 June 2023 (Sat) – Alpha Weekend Away (Day 2) 

Please sign up by scanning the QR code or click on the sign up button below by 10 April 2023 for logistic purposes. 

If you have any enquiries, please email
Registration is now closed.

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