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EQUIP Class by TTC-The Discernment of Spirits

Tuesday - Tuesday, 17 September - 29 October 2024


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Christians in Asia often encounter manifestations from the spirit world. How can we discern if these originate from God, other spirits, or the human psyche?

This course focuses on developing discernment as part of spiritual maturity, exploring extraordinary phenomena Christians encounter, particularly within primal religions.

Topics include recurring phenomena (prophecies, special revelations, slain in the Spirit) and less common occurrences (levitation, poltergeist activity).

Dates:          17, 24 Sep, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Oct (Tue)
Time:           7.30pm—9.30pm
Speaker:    Rev Dr Simon Chan
Venue:        via Zoom

To register, visit

For enquiries, email


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