

by Michelle Soh

People often wonder, “Do I need a calling in order to do missions?” The truth is, all of us have already been called to missions – in Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus called all His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. Faith’s One Mission Small Group Conference (OMSGC) held on 22 & 23 January aimed to teach us our role and help us each discover our unique mission in Christ’s Great Commission.


Rev Reuben Ng shared at the Opening Plenary Session on “Eyes. Heart. Mind.” from Matthew 9:35-38. Using a 3C acronym, he reminds us to remember our calling as missionaries: To see with our eyes all people as CHERISHED by God because of their intrinsic value to Him, and therefore treat each of them as precious souls of value. Our hearts will then be open to feel for them as Jesus felt: their fallen CONDITION, their sufferings, and their deep need for salvation. The last C is for CONCLUSION – in Jesus’ mind, He knew the outcome or conclusion for these pre-believers, and the judgement they would face when He returned again.

How often do we see people in this light? Do we cherish them the way Jesus does? As we live our lives as Christians, let us continually pray for one another for the compassion to see God’s people as Jesus sees them – in their fallen condition and need for salvation. Only then will we be able to effectively work the harvest fields, and minister to God’s lost sheep.


Rev Peter Koh then closed the Opening Plenary Session with a message on “Discovering & Embracing Your One Mission”. Our One Mission is the Great Commission – making disciples of all nations, and teaching them to observe Jesus’ commands. As individuals and in our Small Groups, we aim to fulfil our One Mission of reaching out to others in love, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, as well as making disciples of and discipling people.

Rev Peter Koh therefore urged all Christians to take an active role in embracing our Mandate, the Great Commandment, and our Mission, the Great Commission, which together are the foundation of our commitment to God. We need first to love God, before we can love others; it is when we love God passionately, that He will empower us to love people compassionately. We will then have the urgency to be active in our One Mission, for “we are not bringing the lost to Christ, but bringing Christ to the lost.”


While all of us are called to missions, most of us struggle with fears of rejection and offending others. Amidst our fears, let us refocus on our role of planting and watering the seed of the Gospel in others, and leave it to God to convict them, for God is the one who ultimately brings growth. Similarly, let the importance of people hearing the Good News outweigh our fears of offending them! They too are entitled to the hope of Jesus’ salvation on the day of judgement. And if we are in a Small Group, use the strength of community to encourage and spur each other on, harnessing the different giftings within the group for the same One Mission.

OMSGC continued with breakout sessions via Zoom on 23 January. Watch the replay of the Opening Plenary Session, or find out more about Small Groups at Faith.

Michelle is an intern on the Communications team of Faith Methodist Church.

The Conference might be over…

… but our One Mission isn’t! View the Suggested Action Steps from each Breakout Session here!

Contact your Parish Leader should you need notes and/or an in-depth equipping session to be conducted in your Small Group – let’s get equipped together!

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