
Book Reviews

by the attic library

Helping Parents Make Disciples

Faith Methodist Church

Available in the Attic Library

Everett L. Worthington Jr & Kirby Worthington


Call No. 249.1 WOR

Barcode No. 504308

Reviewed by: John Woon, Family Connect 1 Small Group

What are the effects of modern pressures on the family? Which is more effective: Permissive Parenting or Authoritative Parenting? How can we best resolve family conflicts? If you think of parenting as helping to train a disciple, then how would that affect the way you approach parenting?

If you are a new parent, a parent to be, or a parent facing family issues desperately searching for information to navigate the chasm of parenting, then, look no further.  ‘Helping Parents Make Disciples’ may just be the guide for you.

The authors had surveyed over 400 pastors and presented many practical advice and counselling tips in this book which include the following:

  • A honeybee is drawn to a flower because of nectar it can give. As a parent, what kind of nectar can we give our children?
  • Research on Marital Therapy by John Gottman (1993) suggests that happy marriages have at least five positive interactions for every negative interaction. We believe this is true for parenting as well. Positive interactions won’t happen without work.
  • Almost all parents were ecstatic when their first child was born. They whipped out snapshots at the slightest excuse. In a struggling family relation, the key is to restore that enthusiasm. Recall what did you previously do as a family that was fun?

May this book bring you insights, and may the Lord bless you in your parenting journey.

5Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. -Deuteronomy 6:5-7

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